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To request a hard copy of any of the policies please contact the PA to the Headteacher, Mrs Sarah Gray on 01425 460994 or email: admin@eaglewoodschool.co.uk. Please note a number of policies and financial statements are held at Trust level and are available via the Gryphon Trust Website.

Accessibility Plan 2024-2027

Admissions/Referral Policy 2024-2025

Anti-Bullying Policy 2023-2025

Anti-Radicalisation Policy 2023-2025

Attendance Policy 2024-2026

Child Protection Policy 2024-2025

Children with Health Needs who cannot attend School Policy 2024-25

Complaints Policy 2024-25

Designated Teacher for Looked After (and Previously Looked After) Children Policy 2024-25

Drugs Policy 2024-26

First Aid Policy 2024-25

Head Lice Management and Safeguarding Guidance 2025-26

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-26

Recognition, Relationship and Behaviour Policy 2023-2025

Relationships, Sex Education and Health Education Policy 2023-2024

Remote Education 2023-2024

Safeguarding Policy 2024-2025

SEND Policy 2024-2025

Supporting Students with Medical Needs 2024-25

Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions Policy 2023-25