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Pupil Outcomes

‘One size does not fit all’

Eaglewood School recognises the individual student.  Here we share the curriculum between IQ and EQ.  Our students need different amounts of IQ and EQ depending on their individual needs so we use diagnostic assessment during induction, where a flight path and targets are agreed.  A bespoke provision for each of our students.  EQ is a priority within our curriculum provision for our students.

Student 1

 obtained GCSE passes in English, Maths and Science and a distinction in ICT and has a place at Brockenhurst to study A levels in Psychology, Criminology and Music Technology  with a view to attending university! This certainly wasn’t on the cards when he was permanently excluded at the start of Year 10! Eaglewood made this happen!

Student 2

 is attending Brockenhurst College (Marchwood) L1 Multi Skills and is enjoying the course.

Student 3 

is studying L1 Horticulture at Sparsholt and is enjoying the course.

Student 4 

obtained GCSE grade 3 in English, Maths and a 4 in Science. Autistic but no EHCP!  Is enjoying L2 Marine Engineering at Brockenhurst College and is enjoying the course and is also currently working and holding down a paid job in this industry. This would not have been possible without the skills learned at Eaglewood School.

Student 5

 made a very successful reintegration to Poulner Junior School and has made a normal transition to Ringwood School. He did well in his SATs and is fully expected to settle back into mainstream education and have a successful future.

Student 6 

made a very successful reintegration to the Grange school. She was very definite that Alternative Provision was not for her, despite being on the point of permanent exclusion from her two previous mainstream schools. She has successfully completed her GCSEs and is currently studying A-Levels with a view to living out her dreams.