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Pupils enjoy School, they feel safe and value the support they receive from staff. The school’s culture is one of tolerance and respect, where pupils are encouraged to be thoughtful and considerate“ OFSTED 2019.

Name Designation
Mr Mark Gilbert
Mr John Wood
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Claire Whitlock
Assistant Headteacher
Ms Leyla Bilsborough
Assistant Headteacher
Mr Richard Edwards
Associate Assistant Headteacher for Secondary Outreach and Hub Provision Lead, Thrive Practitioner
Mrs Taryn Maclarty
SENCO, Teaching Staff English
Mr Tom Daniel
Teaching Staff KS3/Designated Teacher for LAC/PLAC and Pupil Premium Coordinator
Miss Elle Fletcher
Pastoral Manager
Mrs Sarah Gray
Personal Assistant to the Headteacher
Miss Amy Wood
SEN/Adminstration Manager and Exams Assistant
Mrs S Bryne
Exams Administrator
Mrs Lianne Allen
Exams Officer & Data Manager
Miss Jackie White
Mrs Lisa Doe
Receptionist/Administrator (Attendance and Cover)
Mr Sean Barton
Head of Outdoor Education
Mrs Sam Evans
Head of English and Literacy Whole School
Mrs Manuela Curtis
Teaching Staff Maths
Mrs Sarah Edwards
Head of Physical Education
Miss Carla House
Teaching Staff KS3
Mrs Nicola Parton
Head of Science
Mr Daniel Pitt
Head of Maths and Numeracy Whole School
Ms Marion Frewin
Teaching Staff KS3 and KS4
Mrs Sharon White
Head of Creativity, Citizenship and Culture Lead
Mrs Kelly Jaggar
Head of Food Technology
Mrs Sala Kean
Relationship Support Mentor
Mrs Rose Dearnley
Relationship Support Mentor
Ms Sarah Henderson
Relationship Support Mentor
Miss Robyn Hardy
Cover Supervisor, Thrive Practitioner
Mr Richard Husband
Cover Supervisor
Miss Beth Davis
TA Team Leader, ELKLAN
Mrs Tabitha Newman
TA Team Leader, ELSA
Mr Jacob Harrison
TA Team Leader
Mrs Kim Merrell
Preparation for Adulthood Pastoral Coordinator, ELSA
Miss Shannon Power
Teaching Assistant, ELSA
Mrs Mandy Niven
Teaching Assistant
Miss Kelly Menzies
Teaching Assistant
Ms Rachel Greenhalgh
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Helena Cooper
Teaching Assistant
Miss Beyza Bolat
Teaching Assistant
Miss Nicola Ratcliffe
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Georgie Harris
Teaching Assistant
Miss Phoebe Lipscombe
Teaching Assistant
Miss Roma-Lee Brackstone
Teaching Assistant
Mr Toby Plaice
Teaching Assistant
Miss Ellie Stuckey
Teaching Assistant
Miss Kayleigh Aitken-Robinson
Teaching Assistant
Will Burton
Teaching Assistant
Miss Kelly Ayles
Teaching Assistant
Mr Joseph Trimby
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Mandy Davies
Mini Bus Driver
Mr Andrew Jones
Mini Bus Driver