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Eaglewood School Menus

We now have the facilities to provide free hot meals for all of our students.  Whilst we would encourage students to have the free hot meal we understand it may not work for all children so parents do still have the option of sending in a packed lunch and drink for their child.

The government has banned schools from selling unhealthy food and therefore none of the prohibited items will be included in any meals provided by the school. When providing packed lunches from home, we ask parents, please, to respect our attempts to promote healthy eating, reduce obesity and the sometimes unintended side effects of ‘sugar rush’ by not including high sugar content fizzy drinks, crisps and chocolate in your child’s packed lunch. Please also respect the fact that some of our students suffer with nut allergies so we would ask for no nuts or nut products to be included in packed lunches.

Food is fuel – many reasons behind our emotions can be tracked back to our relationship with food.  If we eat right we have a better chance of feeling right.  Please try to ensure your child’s packed lunch reflects this.  There is some great information on the following website about what food to pack in your child’s lunch box.  Food a fact of life

School Menus

We now have the facilities to provide free hot meals for all of our students.  Whilst we would encourage students to have the free hot meal we understand it may not work for all children so parents do still have the option of sending in a packed lunch and drink for their child.

The government has banned schools from selling unhealthy food and therefore none of the prohibited items will be included in any meals provided by the school. When providing packed lunches from home, we ask parents, please, to respect our attempts to promote healthy eating, reduce obesity and the sometimes unintended side effects of ‘sugar rush’ by not including high sugar content fizzy drinks, crisps and chocolate in your child’s packed lunch. Please also respect the fact that some of our students suffer with nut allergies so we would ask for no nuts or nut products to be included in packed lunches.

Food is fuel – many reasons behind our emotions can be tracked back to our relationship with food.  If we eat right we have a better chance of feeling right.  Please try to ensure your child’s packed lunch reflects this.  There is some great information on the following website about what food to pack in your child’s lunch box.  Food a fact of life