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Attendance is one of the three key areas for change. Attendance is a great indicator to students’ mind-set towards school. The majority of our students improve their attendance whilst at Eaglewood compared to their home school. For us to connect to correct, our students have to be at school; this is the first indicator that they are willing to engage and want to effect change in their lives and build positive relationships. We cannot change if we don’t attend.

How to support your child’s school attendance

  •  Routines are important; establish a good night time routine, turning screens and lights off at a reasonable time.
  • Ensure your child has a good breakfast in the morning.  Students can have toast in school 8.30-9.00am every morning.
  • Help to build resilience by not allowing your child to be absent from school for minor ailments.
  • Where possible, arrange medical appointments outside of school hours.

We understand school attendance can sometimes be difficult, we are here to help. Please be open and honest with us about attendance concerns and we will do what we can to help and support you in getting your child into school.  Please remember if your child is going to be absent you are required to call reception on 01425 460994 by 9.00am every morning of their absence.