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“Eaglewood is the best thing that’s ever happened to our child and they are completely different at home since being here. They are much more open and talkative which has improved relationships at home massively and they seem so much more happy.”

Parent of  Student

“Kindness (and patience) should be the motto of your staff! I was quite worried at times that my child was in the wrong school and missing out on their education. I did not need to worry. Your school supported them flawlessly and helped them transition smoothly.  The Headteacher drove to my child’s home and physically took them to school on one of their first days and I was so grateful for this singular act of kindness towards them”

Parent of Year 7 Student

“I am far too emotional to write anything coherent (!) so I will just say that you run the most excellent School and it has been life changing for both my child and myself: I wish all children had a bunch of adults like you lot in their lives.  You are all such inspirations.”

Parent of Student

“Thank you for being Eaglewood and everything it represents. Thank you to all of you, because you are what makes it so special.  Thank you for your endless patience, willingness to listen, support and understanding.  Thank you for the hugs, every extra step and word that has made a difference.  Thank you for accepting my child, just as they are, without judgement.  For giving them the opportunity to be themselves and feel that’s ok. Thank you for making it possible for them to not only attend, but enjoy school (something we truly believed was never possible). For helping them realise that its possible for a teacher to understand them and still like them, for helping them to learn to trust again.  You will never know how much you have changed all of our lives.”


“You have built an awesome school with an amazing atmosphere and set up , it was really lovely to see the school.”

Commissioning School Deputy Head Teacher

“Since the opening of Eaglewood Academy we have benefitted from a significant increase in the availability and quality of alternative, highly personalised education and pastoral support for some of our most vulnerable or troubled young people. This has had a profoundly positive impact on several of our students, both in terms of their emotional and social well-being and their educational achievements. For example, Eaglewood have helped two of our students change a pattern of negative behaviour which was putting them at risk of permanent exclusion, and instead integrate very successfully into other schools after periods of time at Eaglewood. They have cared for and supported an emotionally vulnerable student through thick and thin for several years, and kept him in education when he might otherwise have stopped attending altogether. The expertise and commitment of the academy leaders is matched by the staff who work with young people on a daily basis, and the specialist knowledge and skills available to support young people to turn around their lives is in our opinion first rate. Once parents have consented to referral the transition and integration process, in our experience, has always been sensitively and efficiently handled; and during their time at Eaglewood communication with parents and the referring school has always been very good.”

Commissioning School Head Teacher

Thank you for our son’s report. We are very pleased after reading this; he’s a changed boy, he’s happy now, less upset, more confident and certainly enjoys going to your school. We’ve had a great weight lifted off now he’s enjoying life with you all. Thank you all so much for making his life a much happier place to be. You ALL deserve medals for what you have achieved with our son; words cannot explain what it means to us and we both wish you all a Happy Christmas.

Parents of Year 8 student

However thank goodness you have been there. I hear the student is so much happier and loves being with you and your caring staff . Your thoughtfulness, caring ethos and safe environment have allowed him to flourish in all sorts of ways and he no longer practises his anxious behaviours that were once his norm.
So thank you for all that you are doing there. I would dearly love to visit one day as I have long believed that most schools need to show their pupils much more love, care and respect. Also the most vulnerable children in our society, should be to be given the best that we can acquire for them. It sounds very much like you are that ‘BEST’ they need. So thank you again.

Head, Local Junior Commissioning School

“Firstly I’d just like to thank you for taking our son on his first day at Eaglewood. I know it’s only been a short time but we have noticed a massive change in him; his attitude to school is positive, his moods are non-existent, he even sits and chats about his day. This hasn’t happened in a long time, it’s a great feeling, we really hope he’s getting on like he says he is. Thanks again.”

Parents of Year 11 student

“I wanted to email and thank you for taking the time to show us around Eaglewood today. We thoroughly enjoyed the visit and seeing how the students are engaging in their learning and thriving through the enrichment opportunities you are offering. Your plans for improvement are impressive and innovative and it is clear that the changes are making a massive difference to the students at Eaglewood. Prior to our visit, we had heard very positive feedback from a colleague of a local school and during the visit could see why they were so positive with the resource base you are developing.”

Deputy Head Local Commissioning School

“Very many thanks to you and your team for your care of our daughter, you have made a massive effort and we are very grateful.”

Parents of Year 5 student

“Your thoughtfulness, caring ethos and safe environment have allowed him to flourish in all sorts of ways and he no longer practises his anxious behaviours that were once his norm.”

Head, Local Junior Commissioning School